Scientific Sessions
Thursday 13th
Talk session 1 The basal sauropodomorph Anchisaurus polyzelus enlightens the sauropod skull evolution. M. Fabbri, G. Navalón, N. Koch Mongiardino, M. Hanson, H. Petermann and B.-A. S. Bhullar First histological examination of ovarian follicles in a Cretaceous enantiornithine. A. M. Bailleul, J. K. O’Connor, Z. Li, Q. Wu and Z. Zhou Toothy grins and none akin: theropod dental diversity in the Maastrichtian of the Hațeg Basin, Romania. M.-R. Văcărescu, M. Bucur, A. Roman, Z. Csiki-Sava and Ș. Vasile Late Maastrichtian fossil association of Veracruz 1 site (Veracruz, NE Spain): where the land met the sea. M. Pérez-Pueyo, V. Gilabert, M. Moreno-Azanza, E. Puértolas-Pascual, B. Bádenas and J. I. Canudo Speed-talk session 1 Pareisactus evrostos, a new basal iguanodontian (Dinosauria: Ornithopoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of southwestern Europe. J. Párraga and A. Prieto-Márquez Anagenesis and cladogenesis in the vertebrate fossil record — A case study for protoceratopsid dinosaurs. Ł. Czepiński Can the fossil record of insects and dinosaurs show their coevolution patterns? A. Łazuka Talk session 2 Staying Preserved: complementary compositional data of “Hoces de Beteta” Lower Cretaceous bone remains (Cuenca, Spain). H. Del Valle, I. Prieto, F. Barroso-Barcenilla and P. Sevilla A preliminary assessment of lateral semicircular canal orientation in flying birds using geometric morphometrics. J. Lazcoz-Cornago and J. Marugán-Lobón Virtual range of motion analysis of the neck of Amargasaurus cazaui (Sauropoda: Dicraeosauridae). D. Vidal, A. Serrano-Martínez and G. J. Windholz An assessment of limb morphological disparity and integration in the macroevolutionary transition from non-flying maniraptorans to crown birds. S. M. Nebreda, M. Hernández Fernández and J. Marugán-Lóbon Talk session 3 Paleohistological playground at the Late Triassic locality of Krasiejów (SW Poland). E. M. Teschner and D. Konietzko-Meier Early Pleistocene freshwater fish fauna of Copăceni (Dacian Basin, southern Romania) – preliminary data. Ș. Vasile and O. Kovalchuk Ecological specialization and elevated ambient temperature at the MMCCO underlie modern shark species richness and distribution. M. Bazzi, N. Campione, B. Kear, H. Jacobson, H. Blom and P. Ahlberg First record of Macaronichnus in contouritic sediments: palaeoenvironmental implications. O. Miguez-Salas, F. J. Rodríguez-Tovar and W. de Wenger Ichnological analysis of the core 977 at the Alboran Basin: incidence of climatic changes during the last glacial cycle at the deep-sea bottom. S. Casanova-Arenillas, F. J. Rodríguez-Tovar and F. Martínez-Ruiz Talk session 4 New well-preserved tetrapod ichnites from the middle Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) of the Catalan Basin. C. De Jaime-Soguero, E. Mujal and J. Fortuny Analysing the diversity of Cladophlebis from Las Hoyas (Upper Barremian, Cuenca, Spain): a qualitative and quantitative approach. C. Blanco-Moreno, B. Gomez and A. D. Buscalioni The Dasberg Event in terms of palynology (Kowala Quarry, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland). M. Kondas Friday 14th Talk session 5 Coprolites as a tool to record digestive strategies. S. Barrios-de Pedro and A. D. Buscalioni “With your fossil… To the past!” A paleontological escape room proposal for the XVIII Science Week in Madrid M. A. Cervilla-Muros, I. Rodríguez-Castro, I. Vitón, J. Salas-Herrera, A. Acedo, A. García-Frank and O. Fesharaki Paleontological Heritage conservation in civil engineering. The Forestalia megaproject in Aragón. I. Segarra Oliveros The gorges of the rivers Huécar and Júcar: a geological educational route adapted for children. I. Rodríguez-Castro and I. Prieto Speed talk session 2 Extraordinary Palaeontological sites at reach: musealization project of the Upper Cretaceous sites of Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain). S. Ozkaya de Juanas, J. Audije-Gil, F. Barroso-Barcenilla, M. Berrocal-Casero and M. Segura The cave of Lapa da Canada (Alvaiázere): abundant Holocene vertebrates from Portugal. D. Estraviz-López and O. Mateus Talk session 6 Making science accessible to everyone – when scientists and artists work together: the case of brachiopods. M. Simonet Roda and E. Manzanero The “culture of copying” in paleoart. The case of Cariamiformes, Fürbringer, 1888 (Aves, Dinosauria). E. Manzanero 3D technologies applied to monitor the taphonomic processes of a Quaternary deposit. E. Cadavid-Melero, J. González-Dionis, C. Jiménez-Gomis and C. Castillo Late Pleistocene bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Loutra Almopias Cave (Pella, Macedonia, Greece): preliminary results. P. Piskoulis Talk session 7 Santa Margarida (Algarve) a new exceptionally rich microvertebrate site and one of the oldest in the Pleistocene of Portugal. D. Estraviz-López and O. Mateus Mammalian isotopic biogeochemistry of the Ventian Corral de Lobato locality (Guadalajara, Spain). D. Sanz-Pérez, M. Hérnandez Fernández, M. B. Muñoz-García, P. Pérez-Dios, J. Morales and L. Domingo First Carboniferous representatives of Concavicarididae Schram 2014 (?Crustacea, Thylacocephala) in Europe. K. Broda, Š. Rak and T. Kumpan A brief insight into new records of lower Turonian ammonites from Bohemian Cretaceous Basin. O. Kohout and M. Košťák The earliest known record of the genus Plagioptychus (rudist Bivalvia) in the Cenomanian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and its role in the Coral-Rudist Lithosomes. B. Křížová, M. Radoň, J. Sklenář and M. Košťák Talk session 8 Upper Cretaceous fauna from southern Poland – new data on lesser known groups. D. Mazurek Homo erectus paleoenvironments in the early Pleistocene Denizli Basin: an integrated paleontological, sedimentological and geochemical approach. L. Rausch, H. Alçiçek, A. Vialet, N. Boulbes, S. Mayda, V. V. Titov, M. Stoica, S. Charbonier, Y. Büyükmeriç, H. Abels, A. S. Tesakov, A.-M. Moigne, F. P. Wesselingh and M. C. Alçiçek |
Poster session
Preliminary palaeoenviromental characterization results of the Paracuellos-3 and Paracuellos-5 sites (Middle Miocene, Madrid Basin, Spain). J. Salas-Herrera, P. López-Guerrero, O. Fesharaki, I. Menéndez and M. Á. Álvarez-Sierra New post-cranial remains of a large teleosaurid in the Villar del Arzobispo Formation, Alpuente, Valencia, Spain. A. Gamonal , M. Suñer and C. Santisteban Graphoglyptids from Miocene sediments of Cyprus: ichnological criteria for identification of turbidites in a mixed succession. F. J. Rodríguez-Tovar , O. Miguez-Salas, F. J. Hernández-Molina and H. Hüneke Influence of the long-term environmental stress caused by Chicxulub impact and Deccan volcanism on early Danian planktic foraminiferal assemblages. V. Gilabert, I. Arenillas and J. A. Arz Actinopterygian fishes from the late Permian of Fore-Sudetic Monocline (SW Poland). D. Dankina-Beyer, A. Spiridonov and S. Radzevičius Head pholidosis of giant lizards of the genus Gallotia (Boulenger, 1916). S. Palacios García, C. Castillo Ruiz and P. Cruzado Caballero Virtual reconstruction of a braincase and neuroanatomy of an early actinopterygian from the Upper Carboniferous/Lower Permian of Uruguay. S. Álvarez-Parra , A. Pradel, C. Martínez-Pérez and H. Botella The early Devonian phytoclasts from the Bukowa Góra Quarry (Holly Cross Mountains, Poland). M. Kondas A refined molecular clock calibration for the mouse and rat models (Murinae): an interdisciplinary study combining phylogenetic, morphometric and paleontological evidence. T. Aghová Biochronological position of Batallones 4 among the Cerro de los Batallones fossil system based on the evolutionary state of Hispanomys moralesi. V. Medina-Chavarrías, A. Oliver, P. López-Guerrero, P. Peláez-Campomanes and M. Á. Álvarez-Sierra Phylogenetic signal vs. environmental constrictions in two extinct genera of rodents. P. M. Carro-Rodríguez, P. López-Guerrero, A. R. Gómez-Cano and M. Á. Álvarez-Sierra Nannoplankton of Campanian deposits of the Crimean Plain and Near-Sivash Region. L. Matlai Changes in bottom water conditions at the SW Iberian Margin during the Early Pleistocene based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages. C. N. Rodríguez-Díaz, A. Lopes, M. Alonso-García, C. Herrero, V. Morenos, E. Salgueiro, T. Rodrigues, A. H. L. Voelker, H. Kuhnert, J. Groeneveld, W. Soares and F. Abrantes Biometrical study of the autopodial skeleton of Paracamelus aguirrei (Tylopoda, Mammalia) from Venta del Moro (Valencia, Spain). O. Caballero, P. Montoya, V. D. Crespo, J. Abella and J. Morales Morphofunctional evolution of the humerus in crown birds (Ornithurae, Aves). M. Costa-Pérez, A. Martín-Serra and F. J. Serrano Planktonic foraminifer stable isotopes record of the Early Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles at the SW Iberian Margin. V. Morenos, M. Alonso-Garcia, E. Salgueiro, C. N. Rodríguez-Díaz, T. Rodrigues, H. Kuhnert, A. Lopes, A. H. L. Voelker, M. Padilha, W. Soares and F. F. G. Abrantes New data on the Late Triassic vertebrate locality with archosaur and turtle remains in Kocury, Poland. Ł. Czepiński, T. Sulej, T. Szczygielski, A. Lewczuk, D. Dróżdż and W. Pawlak Redescription and new information on the cranium of Euparkeria capensis Broom 1913. R. B. Sookias, D. Dilkes, I. Werneburg, A. Arcucci and B.-A. Bhullar Dental microwear as a proxy for trophic inferences on extinct species: Sharks as subject of study. M. V. Paredes-Aliaga, C. Martínez-Pérez, A. Romero and H. Botella Ecological diversity of Serravallian (middle Miocene) Mediterranean sharks based on placoid scale morphometric study. J. L. Herraiz, H.G. Ferrón, H. Botella and C. Martínez-Pérez A new tool for palaeontological heritage outreach: University of Valencia Natural History Museum’s Palaeoichnology virtual collection. J. L. Herraiz, J. A. Villena, A. Vilaplana, N. Conejero, H. Botella, A. García-Forner and C. Martínez-Pérez Fossil fauna from Risovača cave (Central Serbia). A. Savković and M. Jovanović Paleogeography and paleoecology of Nova Varoš. B. Šaković and A. Savković Geochemical variation into Gigantoproductus shells and “Mg effect” in the calculation of palaeotemperatures using δ18O J. R. Mateos-Carralafuente, I. Coronado and S. Rodríguez A method for the automatic digitalisation of fossils based on hardware supported image acquisition. W. Wojtkiewicz and K. Wojtkiewicz Cave hyena’s role in European Upper Pleistocene ecosystems. P. Portnicki, A. Marciszak and J. Ślimok From the field to the interpretation centre: the Upper Cretaceous Tamajón tracksite (Guadalajara, Spain). J. Audije-Gil, F. Barroso-Barcenilla, M. Berrocal-Casero, S. Ozkaya de Juanas, V. F. dos Santos and M. Segura Preliminary results of the histological bone study the family Plagiosauridae. M. Samborska, E. M. Teschner and D. Konietzko-Meier Refuge length selection in Late Pleistocene Iberian bears. J. M. Casero Peinado The Extinct Ghosts of Christmas: which disappeared browsers is Ilex aquifolium afraid of? J. M. Casero Peinado Evolutionary trends in Polyxenida (Miriapoda: Diplopoda): promoters and constraints of morphological change. E. K. López-Estrada and P. C. Rodríguez-Flores 3D modeling of tooth of the Canarian chiropters applied to the Paleobiology of conservation J. González-Dionis, E. Cadavid-Melero, C. Jiménez-Gomis and C. Castillo |