Book of abstracts
Here you can find the newest version of the volume of abstracts of the 4th IMERP. Once the congress ends, we will probably update it to a version with ISBN. Any error or typo in the volume will be corrected in that version.
We have also updated the meeting schedule, which can be downloaded from the entry below this one. We hope you all enjoy the congress!! See you in Cuenca!!! ![]()
Updated schedule and programWe have updated (10th June) the final schedule and program for the meeting, download it to know what awaits you those days in Cuenca.
The complete list of scientific sessions with the titles and authors of every poster and oral presentation can be found in its appropriate subsection. Don't forget to stay tuned to our website and social media!! See you in Cuenca!!! ![]()
Deadline extension and "Row zero"
![]() 1- The organizing committee has decided to extend the deadline for abstract submissions until 15th Freburary. We want to encourage those colleagues who struggle or hesitate if sending a contribution.
2- The new "Row zero" will allow senior professors and researchers' collaboration through a donation that covers a symbolic inscription, which can be considered as a sponsorship to junior researchers and students who will attend the meeting. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the meeting volume. Spread the word about the 4th IMERP!! See you in Cuenca!!! All the dates you need to know about the meeting!
We have definite days for the congress. The 4th IMERP will be held from 11th to 14th June 2019 at the Paleontology Museum of Castilla-La Mancha, in Cuenca (Spain).
The abstract submission starts on 15th October and ends on 1st February. You can find all the guidelines that every contribution must follow in this website (Scientific program/Contributions). Participants should register for the meeting between 1st December and 1st March. More information about method of payment and registration fees can be found in the Registration section of this website. We are eager to receive your abstracts!! See you in Cuenca!!! ![]()
You can contact us by e-mail or social media. Follow us to find out all news!